Welcome to My Blog!

Hello there! I’m glad you stumbled upon my little blog, The DisNerd Girl Blog. My blog is all about, you guessed it, Disney: Disney movies, the Disney parks, Disney characters…just about everything with the word “Disney” in it. (Let’s see how many times I can use the word “Disney” before this post is over.)

My intentions with this blog are just to fill it with Disney things that interest me, inspire me, or are helpful to myself or others. I will provide links for Disney-related websites that I find helpful or fun, photography from my recent Disneyland visits, posts about news/announcements from Disney, and much, much more. I have a lot of ideas for this blog so I hope you stick around and come back and visit every so often!

This is my first-ever blog so I’m still discovering some of the how-tos of my blog, therefore please be patient with me. I hope to make it a fun an possibly insightful blog for all you Disney-lovers out there, whether you’re just a fan of Disney or you’re a super-crazy, Mickey ears-wearing, pin-collecting Disnerd like I am.

If you ever have any questions or just want to chat, PLEASE feel free to message me! I don’t bite!

❤ Katie (AKA The DisNerd Girl)

P.S. Want to know a little bit more about the DisNerd Girl? Simply visit the “About Me!” section of my blog!

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